Learning Disabilities

A learning disability is described as a decline in the intellectual capability of a person, which means making it difficult for them to learn new skills, interact with others, or comprehend advanced and complicated material, without professional assistance. Many of these disabilities begin before adolescence and hinder an individual’s capacity to learn age-related behavioral responses and coping skills.


Learning disabilities affect people differently; although some can work and live normally, others may have significant cognitive deficits and require round-the-clock care and support. Some are affected by issues with their mental stability and well-being, while others with learning impairments also have physical limitations.

At Real Care Health Services, we deliver individualized care and assistance packages, that aim at enabling you to deal with learning disabilities and lead a joyful and satisfying life in the safety and convenience of your home. You will be the driving force behind the help we offer, and it will be shaped to meet your needs. 


Our goal is for you to experience life to the fullest, and our care providers will help you partake in all the activities and social interactions you desire. To make life rewarding and help you stand up on your feet, we will constantly push you to pick up new talents and pastimes, as well as establish good conduct patterns by providing tools to have control over your behaviors.

We provide care and support to individuals with a wide variety of learning obstacles involving Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Down’s Syndrome, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Fragile X Syndrome, etc.