24-hour Care

24-hour care is optimal for people who require expert assistance for the complicated care needs of their loved ones every day and night. This means in such care; a carer is available 24/7. 

The eminency of this care for individuals with complex medical conditions is it provides the supervision of at least two carers to ensure that the patients remain not on their own even at night. They work in shifts alternatively – one for the day and one for the night, i.e., they are scheduled for 12 hours each around the clock. 

The carers gain the necessary layoff to guarantee that they are fully alert and refreshed whenever on call, including any urgency or prevention of accidents. During a 12-hour visit, a caregiver refrains from taking a nap. However, if the client would prefer, they can let the caretaker rest for the night.

Why Real Care Health Services for 24-Hour Care

Real Care Health Services offer personalized 24-hour care for you, enabling your mind to be at ease knowing that your family member is always under a carer’s surveillance, whether in the middle of the day or late at night. We lend you the carers of your choice who are highly qualified and trained to handle any circumstances or requirements that may emerge during their allocated hours.


Our strong-willed carers vouch for the security and comfort of your loved ones while adequately taking care of their medical situations in their home to grant you a sense of relief even if you live far from them or in another country. 


The services we offer in 24-hour care especially include complete personal care, supervision of medications, fellowship, transportation to social or medical meetings, food planning and preparation, household chores, grocery shopping, and a spectrum of clinical practice for bowel, catheter, or stoma care.

Difference between Live-In Care & 24-Hour Care

Live-in care requires the carer to live with the patient in their chosen environment to provide care for their complex needs.


24-hour care mostly requires a team of two carers or more who work in alternative shifts to provide care to the patients when needed around the clock. On the other hand, two live-in carers can also provide care to the individuals when their needs are not too complex.